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Sunday 09 February 2025, 12:03:19 PM
The Department of Political Science is one of the academic departments established at the inception of the university in 2012. The Department started with One Hundred and Fifty (150) students in the 2011/2012 academic session and has grown to a population of Three Hundred and Twenty (320) students presently.
Inline with the motto of the University, the Department is poised to produce graduates that are excellent in character and capable of rendering outstanding services to the private and public sectors of the Nigerian and the International community.
Training in the Department of Political science is anchored on the fundamental needs of the immediate environment in order to satisfy the staff requirements of the civil service at the National, State and local Government levels in Nigeria. The philosophy and mission of Political Science discipline is therefore to produce garduates with a critical mind, requisite ability and skills to analyze , comprehend, predict and influence the factors that shape and mould power relationships in an ever-changing socio-political environment in a globalizing world. the Federal Government of Nigeria attaches due consideration on the production of high level of manpower that will stimulate the growth of the Nigerian civil service for National Development. The B.Sc. Political Science programme of Federal University Wukari is designed to support the Federal Governments desire in that direction.
The main objectives of a degree in political science are:
a. To provide training in the principles of political science and their application to the type of degree programme concerned - government and politics, politica economy, public administration or international relations, conflict, peace and security studies.
b. To stimulate the students intellectually through the programme, in such a way that they appreciate social problems.
c. To provide a solid foundation of knowledge about the workings of society and its institutions and develop the skills for constructive use of such knowledge.
d. To develop in students, the ability to apply the knowledge to the resolution of societal problems and conflicts.
e. To develop in students, such skills and competency that would allow them to be self-reliant and entrepreneurial.
f. To provide the students with necessary skills for studying and analysing society.
g. To provide the students with the skill-base from which they can proceed to higher studies in political science.
h. To imbue in the students a deep appreciation of the political dynamics of society and the impact of this on wider socio-economic development and societal well-being.
The duration for graduation for B.Sc. Political Science is four (4) years. To graduate, a student must have completed and passed the following number of units at each level:
The candidate must, therefore, pass a total of 141 credit units including all compulsory courses specified by the University/Department and as well meet the standards for all required and optional courses, obtain a minimum GPA of 1.5 and also meet other requirements that may be prescribed by the department, Faculty and Senate.
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